Download: A Complete Guide to Ensure Allergen Control in Manufacturing
Natasha’s Law came into effect on 1st October 2021, but has it made a difference?
This guide is meant to bring an in-depth understanding of allergen control to you and your manufacturing business. You will become aware of the context, the impacts and ways to ensure allergen control and compliance in manufacturing.
The team at Harford have been helping manufacturers ensure allergen control, quality compliance and efficiency improvements for over 45 years. Even today, we often find that the level of knowledge, understanding and application of allergen control is limited, so we are hoping to provide further education and understanding with this guide, leading to greater product safety and reduced risk for potentially allergic consumers.
By reading this eBook, you will learn about:
- Allergen: The Silent, Invisible Killers: The Consequences of Inaccurate Labelling
- A Brief Mention of the Hygiene Rating
- How to Avoid Allergies in Manufacturing through Accurate Labelling
- Can a Print Room ensure Accurate Labelling?
- Engaging Operators with Allergen Control Effectively Using the DMAIC* Framework
Download: A Complete Guide to Ensure Allergen Control in Manufacturing
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