Complete Customer Satisfaction
Zorba Delicacies
About Zorba Delicacies
From humble beginnings, Zorba Delicacies has grown into a multi-million-pound manufacturer of dips, deli fillers and soups for the UK’s leading grocery retailers and foodservice operators.

Two separate needs, one for a paperless quality management system and one for an autocoding solution to satisfy retailer requirements, were being evaluated by Zorba. A side-by-side trial allowed Harford to showcase the benefits that can be gained from a mature, integrated system.

Following the demonstration of what can be achieved by integrating a number of systems into a single solution, Harford was rolled out across further lines. Now, date code printers are automatically set up, packaging is verified by in-line scanners and performance data is captured from the production lines. Links to the existing checkweighers allow for direct feedback into the High Care area, to control the filling process by providing adjustment advice when relevant. In addition, all quality checks can be recorded in a paperless way, eventually enabling operators and shift managers to work in a completely paperless production environment – whilst management benefits from real-time information about schedule adherence, production performance, quality issues, and much more.
- No more product recalls or withdrawals due to incorrect prints or packaging
- Improved yield through better weight control
- Accurate line efficiency data to drive continuous improvement