
Corona Virus (COVID-19) Policy statement

In line with many other global organisations, Harford Control Ltd. have assessed the possible risks associated with the Covid 19 Virus pandemic, and have adopted necessary mitigating measures to ensure ongoing support and supply of equipment. The health and safety of our employees, clients and visitors continues to be our number one priority.

We have imposed restricted access to our head office and production site for our own people and for our valued clients, and are currently monitoring all travel requests for employees such that we will only visit sites when absolutely necessary to provide technical support, where telephone or VPN support is not available. In addition, we have assessed the possible threats to our supply chain, both directly and indirectly, by engaging with our suppliers regarding both people and the material control mitigation methods they have employed.

We have postponed all face to face meetings with new potential clients, but are still very active by telephone, email and web-based conferences to discuss individual needs. In spite of the current situation, we are still busier than we have ever been.  We are, of course, still taking new orders and completing current projects for new and existing clients.

Currently, we expect no issues regarding equipment supply, as our suppliers have confirmed that they do not expect any impact on the continuity of supply at this time. However, given the unpredictability of such events, we have stockpiled most frequently used components and will continue to closely monitor the situation in order to be able to take immediate, necessary measures to guarantee continuity of support, service and delivery.

In the event of an issue affecting our workplace, we will continue to follow local guidance from Local Government, Centres for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) to do our utmost to protect the health and wellbeing of our employees and clients alike.

If you have any queries about our procedures please contact us at info@harfordcontrol.com.


Best Wishes for Your Continuing Good Health,

Roy Green

Managing Director, Harford Control Ltd.


Wednesday 18th March, 2020

Share your thoughts to Info@harfordcontrol.com or give us a call on +44 (0) 1225 764461